Import GitHub readme file to Readme
Hi Community,
Looking for an easy way to insert an image into a list (ol or ul) without breaking the list in html
I am using a numbered list for describing a step by step procedure, and I need to include an image, for example in step 2, like this:
How to pass Authorization key from JWT to header in manual API setup
While I can pass the variable in the documentation by using VARIABLENAME. I'm having issues implementing this in the header parameter, for API setup
Control code block size
Is there any way to control the size of a code block and force it to wrap the code with in it? I have a JSON code example that's making the code block too wide for my page.
This reference guide is currently experiencing difficulties and will be back online shortly.
Is it possible to disable discussions?
Can you add breadcrumbs
In product guides, are there auto-generated structure-based breadcrumbs that can be added? Or would they have to be written manually?
Suggested Edits Button Not Displaying on Guide Pages
We have enabled Suggested Edits for our site (under Configuration>Project Settings>Suggested Edits), however the button for users to submit edits doesn't show up on any of our guide pages.
Do you support fullstory integration?
Quick and easy way to copy paste into a table
Hi! Just wondering if there is an easy way to copy and paste tables from one document (Word, Spreadsheet) into ReadMe?