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Landing Page

How can I create and preview my landing page.

This reference guide is currently experiencing difficulties and will be back online shortly.

Hi, Currently I am getting this message in api-reference section "This reference guide is currently experiencing difficulties and will be back online shortly.ERR-7W2PWR" Do you know what might be a problem?

Response Models

Hi, Response models doesn't include anything other than type, name and description of a field even if OAS file includes definitions like allowable values for enums, min/max length, regex pattern for strings. Also, OpenAPI specification supports discriminator fields for polymorphic models. As I can see, discriminator and oneOf fields doesn't make any affects on readme . Do we need a specific configuration to accomplish these? If they are not supported, do you plan to support them in near future?

AsyncAPI specs

Can you please provide some guidance about how to handle documentation for websocket events? Do you plan to support AsyncAPI specs? Thanks very much!

How to find Category ObjectId?

I want to update my documentation from local files. I'm using `npx rdme docs`, as specified in this recipe: https://docs.readme.com/recipes/sync-directory-of-files-via-cli However, it errors if I don't have the ObjectId of a pre-existing category for my project. I created a category in the readme UI but can't find the ObjectId anywhere on the UI. Where do I find the category ObjectId? Alternatively, how can I create a category using the API?

How to add font-awesome icons or similar items into a cell in a table?

I want to add a checkmark into a table. Can someone point me to an example how to do so? Thank you!

Readme pages are not indexed by search engine.

We recently launched our website and discovered that none of our published articles are searchable by Google. This is because there is no sitemap available for readme pages, so Google won't index them. Our temporary solution is to manually create and update a sitemap.xml every time a new article is added, but this is very cumbersome. Have you experienced the same problem? Is there a workaround for it?

Is there a way to make it more clear when parameters have default values?

Currently, when viewing parameters, it's hard to tell at a glance which ones do and don't have default values. You can click the input element next to it and then select to use the default value if there is one, but I would prefer it if users could tell without clicking what a parameter's default value is.