Control your docs programmatically with the ReadMe API
Why use an API for your docs?
You can control your ReadMe docs using our API, and you don't need to be a developer to get started. If you can read code samples as a technical writer or product manager, for example, you can probably set up API access to your docs.
We've created a few recipes on how to programmatically update your docs with our API!
How do I authenticate?
To get your API key, see Authentication
How can I use this API from the command line or via GitHub Action?
See our docs on rdme
, ReadMe's official CLI and GitHub Action!
How do I paginate my results?
Endpoints Overview
API Specification
Use these endpoints to get, post, update, or delete the API specification that generates your API docs. Also see when your API reference was last synced to an API specification, and other metadata about your API spec. For more information about supported API specification format, see OpenAPI.
Categories are the headings above groups of pages in the sidebar. For example, this page belongs under the API Endpoints category. There are endpoints available for creating, reading, updating, and deleting categories.
You can have just one level of categories (you can't have subcategories), and every doc and reference page must appear under one category. See this page for information on how categories work for OpenAPI files.
If you want to fetch all the pages in your knowledge base, you can use the Get Categories endpoint to fetch all your categories. Then for each category, use the Get docs for category endpoint.
Use these endpoints to get, post, update, or delete changelog posts in your docs project. For an example of a changelog, see ours.
Custom Pages
Use these endpoints as you would the Docs endpoints, just for creating a custom page. For more information, see What's a Custom Page?.
Use these endpoints to get, post, update, search, or delete doc pages in your knowledge base, not your API reference. For an example of a knowledge base, see ours.
Get all pages that document errors. For more information see Error Pages.
Deprecated in favor of our API Specification endpoints.
Use these endpoints to get, post, update, or delete a version for your entire docs project. You can't version the different parts of your docs separately, you have to version your API reference and knowledge base together, unless you have multiple projects. Note that changelogs are versionless.