Reusable Content for Enterprise Groups

Create Global Reusable Content blocks for your Enterprise Group to use across your child projects!


Looking for the Full How-To Guide on Reusable Content?

Head to this page in our Product Guides for a full overview on all of the features and functionality that Reusable Content offers!

In addition to the full Reusable Content experience described here, Enterprise Groups also have additional functionalities that allow Enterprise Group Admins to manage Reusable Content blocks used across different child projects within their group.

Reusable Content Page in Your Enterprise Group Dashboard

Enterprise customers have a Reusable Content page that is accessible via the sidebar in their Enterprise Group dashboard. This page lists all global Reusable Content blocks used across child projects. It is also where Enterprise Group Admins can create new global blocks and make updates to existing ones.

The left column lists all global Reusable Content blocks by name, along with a preview of the text, when the block was last edited, and how many pages the block is used in.

Once you click into a block you’re able to see the full Markdown content of the block as well as how many and what pages the block is used in, as well as the names of projects where the global block is used.

Editing global Reusable Content blocks can only occur in this page, and edits can only be made by team members who have Enterprise Group Admin permissions. Once a global Reusable Content block is updated on this page,the changes will automatically populate across all instances where the block is used.

Using a Global Reusable Content Block in an Enterprise Child Project

When a Project Admin pulls up the list of existing Reusable Content blocks from the editor Slash menu in their child project, they’ll see all global Reusable Content blocks that exist for their Enterprise Group as well as any blocks created just for that child project.

Global Reusable Content blocks are indicated as such in Enterprise child projects by the β€œGlobal Reusable” label in the upper left corner of the block.

If the Admin viewing the page in the child project also has Enterprise Group Admin permissions, they’ll be able to click Edit and make updates to the block from the Reusable Content page in the Enterprise Group dashboard.

If the Admin viewing the page in the child project does not have Enterprise Group Admin permissions, the Edit functionality will be greyed out and not clickable.

If the Admin wishes to continue with making edits to the global block, they’ll need to detach it and make edits. Since it’s been detached, this block of Markdown text will no longer be affiliated with the global Reusable Content block.


Global Reusable Content Blocks vs. Reusable Content Blocks at the Child Project Level

A reminder that global Reusable Content blocks can be used across all child projects in an Enterprise Group but Reusable Content blocks created at the child project level are particular to that project.

Reusable Content and Staging

Reusable Content works seamlessly with Staging and follows the same pattern as promoting any Markdown-related change.

Since editing global Reusable Content blocks happens at the Enterprise Group level, any changes made to the Reusable Content pageβ€”whether creating a new block or updating an existing oneβ€”are reflected as a pending change within the Group folder on the Staging page. Like any pending change, an Enterprise Group Admin will need to Promote the changes to Production in order for the Reusable Content block to go live (or for the most recent edits to blocks to go live).

For Reusable Content blocks created at the child project level, those changes will be reflected as pending in the corresponding child project folder. Similarly, an Enterprise Group Admin will need to promote those changes in the folder to Production in order for the Reusable Content blockβ€”or changes made to an existing oneβ€”to go live.