URL Paths in ReadMe

Single-Project URL Structure

If you have only one documentation project, your URL path follows this pattern:


For example, something like

See the following notes for more information about these URL path elements.

Enterprise URL Structure

If you are an Enterprise customer who unified multiple documentation projects under one custom domain, your URL paths follow this pattern:


For example, something like:


URL Element Descriptions

Path Element



Can be any custom domain with any domain extension, for example, .com, .org, .dev, etc.


The unique ReadMe subdomain of your documentation project. For example, if you have a project that you administer at dash.myProject1.readme.io, the subdomain is myProject1. ReadMe subdomains must be unique across all customers' projects. If you upgrade an existing project to a parent project, then the subdomain becomes visible as part of the public URL path at myCustomDomain.com/myProject1/docs.

projectVersion (Optional)

If omitted, displays the most recent doc version. If the default version is entered, the user will be redirected to a URL without the version path.


  • /docs: general documentation
  • /reference: API reference
  • /changelog: release notes
  • /discuss: community discussion space
  • /page: custom pages
  • /error: for describing API errors. Each error page is also available under a /docs URL path.

language (Optional)

for localized doc sets. Language is always prefixed with lang-. For example, lang-de for German. If omitted, displays English.