Manage Team

Control who can access and admin your project backend


This doc only applies to projects on a self-serve plan

Free, Startup, Business, and Open Source plans read on! Projects that are part of an Enterprise Group please see our Enterprise User Management docs for details!


To manage who can administer your Project, go to Project Dashboard > Configuration > Manage Team.



Team members can be assigned one of two roles, Project Owner or Admin.

Projects can only have one Project Owner, all other teammates have the Admin role. The number of Admins allowed on a team depends on the project plan: 

PlanNumber of Admin Users
EnterpriseContact us!



Project Owners and Admins share the same privileges except in the areas of:

  1. Billing
  2. Project Management
  3. Team Management
CapabilityProject OwnerProject Admins
View invoice/receipt settings
Upgrade plan
Update payment method
Project Management
Import Markdown data
Export Markdown data
Change subdomain
Clone Project
Delete project
Team Management
Invite Admins
Remove Admins
Remove self
Transfer Project Ownership
Delete pending team member invites


Add an Admin

To add an Admin, go to Project Dashboard > Configuration > Manage Team. From there, you can send an invite email to the new teammate. If the user already has a ReadMe account, they'll be added immediately to the project. Otherwise, they'll need to accept the invite and create a ReadMe account.


Invited Admins will receive an email from us:

subject: 	You've been invited to a new project 🎉


Remove an Admin


Removal Privileges

Only Project Owners can remove Admins and Pending Invites.


To remove an Admin, go to Project Dashboard > Configuration > Manage Team hover over the user's name, then click on the 🗑Remove button:


There is no email for the uninvited. 😢