Error Pages

Choose what endusers see when they encounter a 404 in your project


These features are only available on Business and Enterprise plans

Custom Error Pages

You can choose what endusers see when they encounter a broken link in your project by going to your Project Dashboard > Configuration > Error Pages

404 Page

By default, we serve a generic 404 page when an enduser encounters a broken link.


Our generic 404 page.


You can create a Custom Page and assign it as your project's 404 page.

A customized 404 page.

A customized 404 page.


Choose the desired Custom Page from the dropdown to assign it as the project's 404 page.


If an enduser attempts to open a URL in your project and no page exists for that URL, you can define a redirect for that specific URL instead, with some requirements and limitations:

  • Redirects must originate from a relative path (everything after the project domain). For example would be defined as /owlbert.
  • The origin URL cannot be a hashed URL (i.e. /owlbert#hoot).
  • The origin URL cannot be a page that already exists in your project.
  • The target can URL can be a relative path within your project, or a fully qualified URL elsewhere on the internet.
  • The redirect should be formatted as oldurl -> newurl, with one redirect defined per-line.
  • Redirects are performed in the order they are written; if there are multiple matches for an origin URL, the first match is used.

Here are some example redirects:

/docs/top-feature-requests -> /docs/feature-requests
/docs/getting-started -> /docs/get-started
/docs/ios-sdk ->

/google ->
/old/([a-z]*) -> /new/$1
\w* -> /custom-error-page


Regular Expressions

You can use regular expressions! It uses JavaScript-style regexes, and must be a full match. To use a captured value on the redirect, use $1 (or 2, 3, etc).

If you your URL includes symbols, remember to escape them using the backslash \.

If you want a catch-all, use \w*.


  • Browsers cache these redirects, so changes might not work immediately.
  • Regexes must be a complete match, not a partial match. You can't use ^ or $, because they're appended automatically.
  • Redirects are tested in order they're written, and the first match is used.
  • Redirects are for 404 pages only, if the page exists, it will not redirect.