Upgrading your ReadMe CLI to rdme@10


A bi-directional syncing workflow with ReadMe Refactored mostly eliminates the need for a tool like rdme. For syncing Markdown files, syncing API definitions, and managing project hierarchy (e.g., project versions and categories) with ReadMe Refactored, you'll want to set up bi-directional syncing.

rdme@10 is recommended for the following use cases:

  • Syncing your API definition (generated via a build process and not tracked via Git) to your ReadMe Refactored-enabled project
  • Syncing Markdown files to the Changelog for your ReadMe Refactored-enabled project


rdme@10 only works with ReadMe projects that are using ReadMe Refactored. If you are not yet using ReadMe Refactored, you'll want to use rdme@9.

Upgrading to v10

Step 1: Upgrade via npm

To install this version of the rdme CLI globally, run the following command:

npm install -g rdme@10

More installation options can be found in our docs.

Step 2: Update GitHub Actions Workflow

If you're using the rdme GitHub Action, update your GitHub Actions workflow file so your rdme usage uses the v10 reference like so:

- uses: readmeio/rdme@v10 with: rdme: openapi validate petstore.json

Step 3: Address v10 Breaking Changes

  1. Enable Bi-Directional Syncing (recommended)

    We recommend setting up bi-directional syncing for managing your Markdown files, API definitions and project hierarchy.

  2. Command Replacements

  3. openapihas been replaced byopenapi upload

    If you previously uploaded API definitions to ReadMe via rdme openapi, the command is now rdme openapi upload. There are now two main updates:

    • There is no prompt to select your ReadMe project version if you omit the --version flag. It now defaults to stable (i.e., your main ReadMe project version).

    • Previously with openapi, the --id flag was an ObjectID that required an initial upload to ReadMe, which made it difficult to upsert API definitions and manage many at scale. With openapi upload, the --id flag has been renamed to --slug and is now optional. The slug (i.e., the unique identifier for your API definition resource in ReadMe) is inferred from the file path or URL to your API definition.

    Read more in the openapi upload command docs.

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