Metrics Overview
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Meet Metrics
“If you build it, they will come.” It’s a classic trap that most SaaS companies have moved beyond today. They understand that even the best product in the world needs a great customer experience, marketing, and roadmap to succeed.
So why do we think that APIs are so different? Today, many teams pour months of engineering time into building great APIs — and then only post an API Reference to publicize it and move on. If you build it, they will call it… right?
At ReadMe, we’ve seen the power of what great developer hubs can do for adoption. They make your APIs easier to use, educate users on how to get started, and let them try things out for themselves in real time. But how do you know if your hub is really working? That's where Metrics comes in. It gives you visibility into KPIs like API usage over time, hub activity like page views and voting , and even API errors so you can see where developers are getting stuck and reach out to help.

Where To Start
Data is only useful if it's actionable, so here are a few questions to think about when looking at your Metrics data. These are what we hear most from our customers who own API adoption and developer success, but we'd love to hear what's most helpful to you!
🚀 How is my API growing and performing?
- Total Calls + Errors + Compare History
👋 Who’s using my API?
- New Users: Feed
- Biggest Users: API Calls grouped by User
🏆 What are my best API use cases?
- Endpoints (usage) + Page Views (what they’re reading)
🛤 Are my docs getting users on the right track?
- Searches + Page Views + Page Quality
- Errors over time
Metrics + Developer Support Workflow
In addition to longer term platform strategy and developer experience, Metrics is really helpful for improving day-to-day developer support, too. Here are a few ways to leverage Metrics in your support workflow!
- Quickly catch spikes in errors at a glance
- Shareable request logs ensure everyone is on the same page
- Filter for API calls for a specific user to dig into an issue
- Users can see all their past requests directly in the hub for easy debugging
Updated 15 days ago